Optimizing the Bioinformatics Output of your Molecular Pathology Lab
One of America’s greatest inventors, Thomas Edison, didn’t invent the light bulb. The technology already existed, and he merely accelerated its adoption by optimizing it and later developing a system to deliver it. He knew that going from the spark of one light bulb filament to powering homes and factories would require not only the right technology but the right approach.
We have a lot to gain from accelerating the adoption of molecular testing. Better and faster diagnoses. Greater understanding of disease. More targeted treatment plans. Yet most would agree that next generation sequencing (NGS) isn’t as ubiquitous as the lightbulb. It has yet to graft itself onto the way we do things now. We understand why. Putting a next generation sequencing (NGS) pipeline in place requires a lot of work. Yes, you need the right technology, but you also need to assemble the right expertise, put careful thought into the workflow, validate assays, perform physician outreach, and determine how to transform a flood of data into clinically actionable reports and visualizations.
We have the technology. In fact, we’ve been helping labs go from raw sequencing data to patient report with our Clinical Genomics WorkSpace (CGW) for the last four years. However, like Edison, we know that technology is only half the battle. Borrowing from his playbook, we also focus on approach – an approach that will accelerate the technology by optimizing and systemizing it.
Join us for our upcoming webinar on April 24 in which we discuss how the proper mix of technology, services, and approach can help your lab accelerate its efforts.
Register now.